
Showing posts from July, 2020

Six Ways to Improve Patient Scheduling

Scheduling is one of the simplest and most basic steps in the healthcare revenue cycle. But it is not any less important. As the first context of contact with the patient, it strongly affects the entire experience that a patient has with your healthcare service. A 2017 study by the University of Utah reports that 39% of patients surveyed considered scheduling a timely doctor appointment as the most important expectation they have from a healthcare service. That is not quite surprising when you consider the results of another study. In this one, more than 30 % of the patients under the study with an urgent medical problem reported that they were not able to schedule appointments on time.  So as a  healthcare provider , the first constructive step towards enhancing the quality of care you provide and streamlining your revenue cycle is to improve your patient scheduling process. But how can you do that? Here are six ways that will surely make your scheduling process run as smoothl

Telehealth Billing – Why Outsourcing is the Best Option?

Crisis begets change. True to the saying, the Covid-19 crisis we face today has ushered in many changes in the US healthcare system. It has changed the way we see and it has definitely changed the way we do things. For instance, it has transformed the way we deliver healthcare. One of the positive changes that the pandemic has brought about is the acceleration of Telehealth’s foray into mainstream medicine. Telehealth is not by any means new to US healthcare. It was already touted as the fastest-growing medical care service by an AMA study conducted in 2019, pegging the growth rate at a striking rate of 53% with more than 76% of hospitals in the country offering the service. This year the pandemic is slowly yet forcefully pushing this number closer to 100. From big multispecialty hospitals to small single physician practices, every player in the healthcare business is now looking at telehealth as a viable way to continue serving the community with quality healthcare. But

Reasons to Outsource Your Medical Billing

You have set up your independent medical practice and you’re slowly climbing up the first leg of growth. Then comes the big challenge – the increasing complexity of medical billing. The one question that looms large over your sky at this point is this: ‘To outsource or not to outsource?’ Before arriving at an answer let us look at some facts Nearly 80% of all medical bills have errors and in around one-fourth of these bills, the errors involved a significant amount of money. The average cost to file an initial claim is $ 6.75 while the average cost to rework a denied claim is around 25 $ In the last seven years, there has been a 70% increase in data breaches in the healthcare industry So what do these data tell us? They tell us that precision and attentiveness are absolute musts to reach a satisfactory level of efficiency in medical billing. And we know that efficiency improves when any task is handled with more specialized knowledge and expertise. Medical billing compa